Depeche Mode (21 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Depeche ModeA Broken FrameFLAC2013not rated47:00
Depeche ModeBarrel Of A GunCD1997not rated24:53
Depeche ModeBarrel Of A GunCD1997not rated24:51
Depeche ModeBlack CelebrationMP31986not rated55:06
Depeche ModeConstruction Time AgainMP31983not rated42:26
Depeche ModeDelta MachineMP32013not rated58:02
Depeche ModeExciterMP32001not rated56:40
Depeche ModeIt's No GoodCD1997not rated24:47
Depeche ModeMusic For The MassesMP31987not rated1:02:14
Depeche ModeMusic for the Masses (Deluxe Edition)FLAC1987not rated1:19:11
Depeche ModeOnly When I Lose MyselfCD1998not rated17:46
Depeche ModeOnly When I Lose MyselfCD1998not rated15:17
Depeche ModePlaying The AngelMP32005not rated51:38
Depeche ModeSome Great RewardMP31984not rated40:23
Depeche ModeSongs Of Faith And DevotionMP31993not rated47:29
Depeche ModeSpeak & SpellMP31981not rated44:59
Depeche ModeSpeak & SpellMP31981not rated1:02:05
Depeche ModeThe Singles 81>85MP31998not rated1:09:22
Depeche ModeThe Singles 86-98CD1998not rated1:37:09
Depeche ModeUltraMP31997not rated1:00:10
Depeche ModeViolatorMP31990not rated46:58