Complete list of moronicrampage's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
KMFDMRAF OkOpium4:24not ratedCD2002
KMFDMRevolutionNihil4:42not ratedCD1995
KMFDMRip The SystemAgogo3:34not ratedCD1998
KMFDMRip The SystemMore & Fasternot rated12" vinyl1989
KMFDMRip The System! (Duck And Cover Mix)UAIOEnot ratedLP1989
KMFDMRubiconAdios3:44not ratedCD1999
KMFDMRulesXtort4:07not ratedCD1996
KMFDMSearch & DestroyNihil3:26not ratedCD1995
KMFDMSex on the FlagMoneynot ratedLP1992
KMFDMSex On The FlagVoguenot rated12" vinyl1992
KMFDMSieg SiegWhat Do You Know, Deustchlandnot ratedLP1986
KMFDMSon Of A GunXtort4:23not ratedCD1996
KMFDMSpiritual HouseMoneynot ratedLP1992
KMFDMSpit SpermSymbols4:46not ratedCD1997
KMFDMSplatterOpium3:50not ratedCD2002
KMFDMSplitSplitnot rated12" vinyl1991
KMFDMStray BulletSymbols5:31not ratedCD1997
KMFDMSucksAngst3:31not ratedCD1993
KMFDMSucks (Goodbye Barb Mix)Sucksnot rated12" vinyl1992
KMFDMSucks (No Shit Radio Mix)Sucksnot rated12" vinyl1992
KMFDMSucks (Original 12" Mix)Sucksnot rated12" vinyl1992
KMFDMSucks (P-O-T-A-T-O Mix)Sucksnot rated12" vinyl1992
KMFDMSycophantAdios5:13not ratedCD1999
KMFDMTerrorNihil4:49not ratedCD1995
KMFDMThank YouAgogo0:44not ratedCD1998

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