Complete list of moronicrampage's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The Smashing PumpkinsLucky 13Greatest Hits3:09not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsLunaSiamese Dream3:20not ratedCD1993
The Smashing PumpkinsMarquis In SpadesGreatest Hits3:12not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsMayonaiseSiamese Dream5:49not ratedCD1993
The Smashing PumpkinsMy MistakeGreatest Hits4:00not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsPerfectGreatest Hits3:23not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsQuietSiamese Dream3:42not ratedCD1993
The Smashing PumpkinsReal LoveGreatest Hits4:10not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsRhinocerosGreatest Hits5:54not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsRock OnGreatest Hits6:06not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsRocketSiamese Dream4:06not ratedCD1993
The Smashing PumpkinsSaturnineGreatest Hits3:49not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsSet The Ray To JerryGreatest Hits4:09not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsSilverfuckSiamese Dream8:43not ratedCD1993
The Smashing PumpkinsSivaGreatest Hits4:21not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsSlow DawnGreatest Hits3:12not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsSomaSiamese Dream6:39not ratedCD1993
The Smashing PumpkinsSoot And StarsGreatest Hits6:39not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsSpaceboySiamese Dream4:28not ratedCD1993
The Smashing PumpkinsSparrowGreatest Hits2:56not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsStand Inside Your LoveGreatest Hits4:13not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsSweet SweetSiamese Dream1:38not ratedCD1993
The Smashing PumpkinsThe Everlasting GazeGreatest Hits4:02not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsTodayGreatest Hits3:22not ratedCD2001
The Smashing PumpkinsTodaySiamese Dream3:19not ratedCD1993

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