Complete list of moronicrampage's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The FallPortugalThe Real New Fall LP (American Version)3:37not ratedCD2004
The FallPowder KegA World Bewitched3:17not ratedCD2001
The FallPrintheadDragnet3:15not ratedCD1979
The FallProle Art ThreatIn Palace of Swords Reversed2:01not ratedCD1987
The FallProle Art ThreatSlates1:57not ratedCD1981
The FallProtein ProtectionThe Real New Fall LP (American Version)3:17not ratedCD2004
The FallPsycho MafiaLive At The Witch Trials2:14not ratedCD1979
The FallPsycho Mafia (Demo)Live At The Witch Trials2:20not ratedCD1979
The FallPsycho Mafia (Live Liverpool '78)Live At The Witch Trials3:01not ratedCD1979
The FallPsykick Dance HallDragnet3:48not ratedCD1979
The FallPsykick Dance Hall (No. 2)Dragnet3:39not ratedCD1979
The FallPumpkin Soup And Mashed PotatoesThe Unutterable2:54not ratedCD2000
The FallPut AwayDragnet3:30not ratedCD1979
The FallPut Away (Peel Session)Live At The Witch Trials3:34not ratedCD1979
The FallPutta BlockIn Palace of Swords Reversed4:27not ratedCD1987
The FallPutta BlockGrotesque (After The Gramme)4:30not ratedCD1980
The FallPutta BlockThe Rough Trade Singles Box4:33not ratedCD2002
The FallR.O.D. (Realm Of Dusk)Bend Sinisternot ratedLP1986
The FallRainmasterCerebral Caustic3:27not ratedCD1995
The FallRebellious JukeboxLive At The Witch Trials2:55not ratedCD1979
The FallRebellious Jukebox (Peel Session)Live At The Witch Trials3:00not ratedCD1979
The FallRecovery Kit 2 (Alternative Version)The Real New Fall LP (American Version)4:03not ratedCD2004
The FallRecovery Kit 2#(We Wish You) A Protein Christmas4:04not ratedCD2003
The FallReformationLast Night At The Palaisnot ratedDVD8/24/2009
The FallReformationLast Night At The Palais4:43not ratedCD2009

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