Complete list of moronicrampage's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Portion ControlLe CrunchArchive3:36not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlLozengeWellcome3:44not ratedCD2004
Portion ControlMass DisorderArchive4:57not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlMicro BoxArchive1:46not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlMicro Box 2Archive0:39not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlMonstorus BulkArchive1:07not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlMore Than Just A NuisanceWellcome1:59not ratedCD2004
Portion ControlMoving Towards A WasteArchive2:33not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlMutieArchive1:55not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlNCropnot ratedCD6/26/2009
Portion ControlNew PhazeArchive3:20not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlOnion FreakOnion Jack IV - Corrective Audio3:02not ratedCD2007
Portion ControlOnion JackWellcome16:33not ratedCD2004
Portion ControlOnion Jack 2Wellcome24:57not ratedCD2004
Portion ControlOnion Jack II SegueCrop15:47not ratedCD6/26/2009
Portion ControlOnion Jack IV Segue: Pearly King & Queen Cosh Boy.Onion Freak.Drive By.SunbeamCrop17:54not ratedCD6/26/2009
Portion ControlOut Of OrderArchive3:48not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlParalyzedWellcome5:54not ratedCD2004
Portion ControlParasiteWellcome3:02not ratedCD2004
Portion ControlPawSlug4:08not ratedCD2008
Portion ControlPearly King And QueenOnion Jack IV - Corrective Audio2:33not ratedCD2007
Portion ControlPlateau StageArchive4:13not ratedCD2006
Portion ControlPoint BlankPure Form5:19not ratedCD4/16/2012
Portion ControlPrimeWellcome1:22not ratedCD2004
Portion ControlPure MenaceWellcome4:27not ratedCD2004

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