Complete list of moronicrampage's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
MudhoneyBlinding SunMarch To Fuzz3:40not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyBlindspotsUnder A Billion Suns5:37not ratedCD2006
MudhoneyBrand New FaceMarch To Fuzz2:24not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyBushpusherMarch To Fuzz2:26not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyButterfly StrokeMarch To Fuzz3:31not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyBy Her Own HandHere Comes Sickness3:15not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyBy Her Own HandMudhoney3:17not ratedCD1989
MudhoneyCarjack '94My Brother The Cow1:16not ratedCD1995
MudhoneyChain That DoorSuperfuzz Bigmuff1:51not ratedCD1988
MudhoneyCheckout Time (Alt. Version)Let It Slidenot rated12" vinyl1991
MudhoneyCome To MindMudhoney4:51not ratedCD1989
MudhoneyCrankcase BluesMy Brother The Cow3:06not ratedCD1995
MudhoneyCrooked And WideSince We've Become Translucent4:54not ratedCD2002
MudhoneyDead LoveMudhoney4:27not ratedCD1989
MudhoneyDeception PassPiece Of Cake2:53not ratedCD1992
MudhoneyDeception PassSuck You Drynot rated12" vinyl1992
MudhoneyDehumanizedMarch To Fuzz1:19not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyDissolveHere Comes Sickness3:00not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyDissolveMy Brother The Cow3:16not ratedCD1995
MudhoneyDrinking For TwoMarch To Fuzz2:11not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyDyin' For ItSince We've Become Translucent4:54not ratedCD2002
MudhoneyEditions Of YouMarch To Fuzz2:39not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyEditions Of YouHere Comes Sickness2:38not ratedCD2000
MudhoneyEmpty ShellsUnder A Billion Suns2:38not ratedCD2006
MudhoneyEndless YesterdayUnder A Billion Suns4:02not ratedCD2006

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