Complete list of moronicrampage's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Meat PuppetsPlateauClassic Puppets2:23not ratedCD2004
Meat PuppetsSexy MusicClassic Puppets5:30not ratedCD2004
Meat PuppetsStrings On Your HeartClassic Puppets3:40not ratedCD2004
Meat PuppetsSwimming GroundClassic Puppets3:06not ratedCD2004
Meat PuppetsThe Whistling SongClassic Puppets2:58not ratedCD2004
Meat PuppetsTwo RiversClassic Puppets3:21not ratedCD2004
Meat PuppetsUp On The SunClassic Puppets4:03not ratedCD2004
Meat PuppetsWalking BossClassic Puppets2:40not ratedCD2004
MeatheadA Thousand PipesBored Stiff5:02not ratedCD1994
MeatheadBabyland - Cancer BeatMeathead Against The World5:03not ratedCD1996
MeatheadBlowBored Stiff1:34not ratedCD1994
MeatheadBroken SpineProtect Me From What I Want4:09not ratedCD1997
MeatheadCanterburyProtect Me From What I Want0:41not ratedCD1997
MeatheadCop Shoot Cop - Schweinhund!Meathead Against The World2:41not ratedCD1996
MeatheadCop Shoot Cop - Schweinhund! (Meathead Remix)Meathead Against The World3:40not ratedCD1996
MeatheadDick SmokerBored Stiff4:07not ratedCD1994
MeatheadDicksmoker (So Full Of Shit)Dicksmoker5:45not ratedCD1994
MeatheadDicksmoker (Wet Mix)Dicksmoker3:11not ratedCD1994
MeatheadDroneBored Stiff3:58not ratedCD1994
MeatheadFeel LikeProtect Me From What I Want3:31not ratedCD1997
MeatheadFlapjackBored Stiff3:27not ratedCD1994
MeatheadGravida CodeProtect Me From What I Want5:26not ratedCD1997
MeatheadHoodooBored Stiff3:18not ratedCD1994
MeatheadInflatableBored Stiff4:13not ratedCD1994
MeatheadIntroutrofthisworldMeathead Against The World0:43not ratedCD1996

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