Complete list of moronicrampage's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Lead Into GoldUnreasonAge Of Reasonnot ratedLP1990
Led Bib2.4:1 (Still Equals None)Sensible Shoes5:56not ratedCD2009
Led BibCall Centre LabyrinthSensible Shoes7:00not ratedCD2009
Led BibEarly MorningSensible Shoes7:10not ratedCD2009
Led BibFlat Pack FantasySensible Shoes4:49not ratedCD2009
Led BibSquirrel CarnageSensible Shoes7:10not ratedCD2009
Led BibSweet ChilliSensible Shoes5:22not ratedCD2009
Led BibWater ShortageSensible Shoes7:11not ratedCD2009
Led BibYes, AgainSensible Shoes4:55not ratedCD2009
Led BibZone 4Sensible Shoes9:07not ratedCD2009
Lee 'Scratch' PerryAugustus Pablo - Vibrate OnSoul Fire4:40not ratedCD2003
Lee 'Scratch' PerryBig Apple CoconutThe Upsetter And The Beat3:46not ratedCD1992
Lee 'Scratch' PerryBird In HandSoul Fire3:29not ratedCD2003
Lee 'Scratch' PerryBless The WeedThe Essential Lee 'Scratch' Perry2:09not ratedCD2006
Lee 'Scratch' PerryClint Eastwood Rides AgainThe Essential Lee 'Scratch' Perry3:54not ratedCD2006
Lee 'Scratch' PerryComing In From The ColdThe Upsetter And The Beat3:16not ratedCD1992
Lee 'Scratch' PerryCool RockersThe Essential Lee 'Scratch' Perry2:56not ratedCD2006
Lee 'Scratch' PerryCrazy HouseTechnomajikal7:09not ratedCD1997
Lee 'Scratch' PerryDevon Irons - VampireSoul Fire3:17not ratedCD2003
Lee 'Scratch' PerryDon't Blame The BaldheadThe Upsetter And The Beat3:15not ratedCD1992
Lee 'Scratch' PerryDread LionSoul Fire4:31not ratedCD2003
Lee 'Scratch' PerryDreadlockThe Essential Lee 'Scratch' Perry2:37not ratedCD2006
Lee 'Scratch' PerryEnter The DragonThe Essential Lee 'Scratch' Perry2:40not ratedCD2006
Lee 'Scratch' PerryGeorge Faith - To Be A LoverReggae Greats6:00not ratedCD1985
Lee 'Scratch' PerryGeorge Faith - To Be A LoverSoul Fire7:56not ratedCD2003

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