The Fall
Perverted by Language

The Fall - Perverted by Language

  • Release date: 1983
  • Genre: Alternative Rock/Post Punk
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 1:07:57
  • ****
  • Added September 28, 2006
  • Rated October 26, 2009


1. The Man Whose Head Expandednot rated4:27
2. Ludd Gangnot rated2:36
3. Kicker Conspiracynot rated4:14
4. Wingsnot rated4:35
5. Eat Y'self Fitternot rated6:36
6. Neighbourhood of Infinitynot rated2:42
7. Gardennot rated8:45
8. Hotel Bloedelnot rated3:48
9. Smilenot rated5:09
10. I Feel Voxishnot rated4:19
11. Tempo Housenot rated8:53
12. Hexen Definitive-Strife Knotnot rated7:00
13. Pilsner Trailnot rated4:48

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