Gaslamp Killer, The

Gaslamp Killer, The - Breakthrough

  • Release date: 9/18/2012
  • Genre: Electronic/Dubstep
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 47:56
  • ****
  • Added November 16, 2012
  • Rated November 16, 2012


1. Breakthroughnot rated2:36
2. Veinsnot rated1:45
3. Holy Mt. Washingtonnot rated2:27
4. Fathernot rated1:13
5. Criticnot rated2:21
6. Dead Vetsnot rated2:25
7. Flange Facenot rated3:50
8. Fucknot rated1:12
9. Apparitionsnot rated2:52
10. Impulsenot rated3:34
11. Peasants, Cripples & Retardsnot rated2:15
12. Meat Guiltnot rated1:51
13. Mothernot rated2:59
14. Nissimnot rated4:32
15. Keep It Simple Stupidnot rated1:47
16. 7 Years Of Bad Luck For Funnot rated3:53
17. In The Dark...not rated6:24

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