Jah Wobble & The Nippon Dub Esemble
Japanese Dub

Jah Wobble & The Nippon Dub Esemble - Japanese Dub

  • Release date: 4/4/2010
  • Genre: Dub/World
  • Format: CD
  • Category: reggae
  • Duration: 40:26
  • ****
  • Added April 5, 2010
  • Rated April 5, 2010


1. Shinto Dubnot rated4:39
2. Cherry Blossom Of My Youthnot rated4:14
3. Koririkionot rated2:57
4. K Dub 04not rated2:17
5. K Dub 05not rated3:18
6. Hokkai Bon Utanot rated3:20
7. Manot rated5:58
8. Taiko Dubnot rated3:00
9. Mishima / Kurosawanot rated6:00
10. K Dub 10not rated2:39
11. K Dub 11not rated1:58

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