Kate Bush
The Kick Inside

Kate Bush - The Kick Inside

  • Release date: 1978
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: LP
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 43:40
  • not rated
  • Added October 16, 2010


1. Movingnot rated3:37
2. The Saxophone Songnot rated3:08
3. Strange Phenomenanot rated3:50
4. Kitenot rated3:00
5. The Man with the Child in his eyesnot rated3:00
6. Wuthering Heightsnot rated2:43
7. James and the Cold Gunnot rated4:32
8. Feel Itnot rated3:38
9. Oh to be in Lovenot rated3:05
10. L'Amour looks something like younot rated3:20
11. Them heavy peoplenot rated2:29
12. Room for the lifenot rated3:07
13. The Kick insidenot rated4:05

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