Complete list of mingusfan61's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Wayne ShorterNight DreamerNight Dreamer7:15not ratedLP3/1/2005
Wayne ShorterOn Wings Of SongBeyond the Sound Barrier4:35not ratedCD6/14/2005
Wayne ShorterOrbitsAlegrianot ratedCD3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterOrbitsWithout a Net4:49not ratedCD2/5/2013
Wayne ShorterOriental Folk SongNight Dreamer6:50not ratedLP3/1/2005
Wayne ShorterOver Shadow Hill WayBeyond the Sound Barrier12:34not ratedCD6/14/2005
Wayne ShorterPeaches and CreamWayne Shorternot ratedLP1/21/1992
Wayne ShorterPegasusWithout a Net23:06not ratedCD2/5/2013
Wayne ShorterPenelopeEt Ceteranot ratedLP10/24/1995
Wayne ShorterPlaza RealWithout a Net6:56not ratedCD2/5/2013
Wayne ShorterPowder KegWayne Shorternot ratedLP1/21/1992
Wayne ShorterPug NoseIntroducing Wayne Shorternot ratedLP11/16/2004
Wayne ShorterPug Nose [Take 2]Introducing Wayne Shorternot ratedLP11/16/2004
Wayne ShorterS.S. Golden MeanWithout a Net5:17not ratedCD2/5/2013
Wayne ShorterSacajaweaAlegrianot ratedCD3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterSanctuaryFootprints Live!5:31not ratedCD5/21/2002
Wayne ShorterScourin'Wayne Shorternot ratedLP1/21/1992
Wayne ShorterSeeds of SinWayne Shorternot ratedLP1/21/1992
Wayne ShorterSerenataAlegrianot ratedCD3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterShe Moves Through The FairAlegrianot ratedCD3/25/2003
Wayne ShorterSmilin' ThroughBeyond the Sound Barrier11:53not ratedCD6/14/2005
Wayne ShorterSpeak No EvilSpeak No Evilnot ratedCD3/23/1999
Wayne ShorterStarry NightWithout a Net8:48not ratedCD2/5/2013
Wayne ShorterTeruAdam's Apple6:10not ratedLP9/2/2003
Wayne ShorterThe All Seeing EyeThe All Seeing Eyenot ratedLP9/12/2000

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