Art Pepper
Gettin' Together!

Art Pepper - Gettin' Together!

  • Release date: 11/30/2004
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Format: LP
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 43:23
  • *** 1/2
  • Added February 29, 2008
  • Rated April 22, 2012


1. Paul Chambers - Whims of Chambers****6:56
2. Art Pepper - Bijou the Poodle****5:48
3. Dory Langdon - Andre Previn - Why Are We Afraid?not rated3:36
4. Sigmund Romberg - Oscar Hammerstein II - Softly, As in a Morning Sunrisenot rated6:55
5. Thelonious Monk - Rhythm-A-Ning***7:15
6. Art Pepper - Diane*****5:03
7. Art Pepper - Gettin' Togethernot rated7:50

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