Complete list of mforss's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Lushes & TrampsInterview IIGarage & Buskage, Umeå0:53not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsInterview IIIGarage & Buskage, Umeå0:54not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsInterview IVGarage & Buskage, Umeå1:17not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsInterview VGarage & Buskage, Umeå1:22not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsInterview VIGarage & Buskage, Umeå2:16not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsInterview VIIGarage & Buskage, Umeå1:21not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsIntroGarage & Buskage, Umeå0:38not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsNo TimeGarage & Buskage, Umeå2:45not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsSans PreludeGarage & Buskage, Umeå3:20not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
Lushes & TrampsWe're All Gonna DieGarage & Buskage, Umeå2:53not ratedMedia Audio10/6/1993
LusthusLyckligP3 Live, P3s Musiktävling - lokala uttagningar region Stockholm2:06not ratedMedia Audio1/7/1995
LusthusNiklas Stjärnfält Från LusthusP3 Live, P3s Musiktävling - lokala uttagningar region Stockholm0:24not ratedMedia Audio1/7/1995
Luv MachineReminiscingOnce Upon A Time In The West Midlands: The Bostin’ Sounds Of Brumrock 1966-19742:53not ratedCD box set2021
Lyme & CybelleFollow MeNuggets (Original Artyfacts From The First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968)2:30not ratedMedia Audio9/15/1998
Lyme & CybelleFollow MeMP3 Collection No.122:30not ratedMedia Audio
Lynn AndersonRose garden60 Super Hits Of The Century2:57not ratedCD box set
Lynne JackamanTelephone Interview With Lynne JackamanOn The Air With 107 Meridian FM7:14not ratedMedia Audio2018
Lynyrd SkynyrdAlabama guitar introLive At Sweden Rock Festival1:37not ratedMedia Audio2000
Lynyrd SkynyrdBacksteeet crawlerYou got that right7:30not ratedMedia Audio1992
Lynyrd SkynyrdBackstreet CrawlerMuscle Shoals Sound Studios Demo5:00not ratedMedia Audio1991
Lynyrd SkynyrdBust OutMuscle Shoals Sound Studios Demo4:01not ratedMedia Audio1991
Lynyrd SkynyrdCall me the breezeLive At Sweden Rock Festival6:07not ratedMedia Audio2000
Lynyrd SkynyrdCall me the breezeHappiness Is A Warm Gun! 14 Bullets To Dance The Yankee Home5:33not ratedMedia Audio1994
Lynyrd SkynyrdCall me the breezeYou got that right15:29not ratedMedia Audio1992
Lynyrd SkynyrdCall me the breezeLive In Cardiffnot ratedMedia Audio1975

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