Avantasia (Tobias Sammet's)
The Unchained Rock Show

Avantasia (Tobias Sammet's) - The Unchained Rock Show

  • Release date: 2/24/2025
  • Format: Media Audio
  • Category: Un-Official Release
  • Duration: 6:02:11
  • not rated
  • Added March 14


1. The Unchained Rock Show - Intronot rated0:41
2. Judas Priest - Rapid Firenot rated4:14
3. WASP - Scream Until You Like It (Live)not rated7:33
4. Machine Head - Unboundnot rated4:34
5. Architects - Everything Endsnot rated3:57
6. Battlesnake - The Fathers Of Iron Fleshnot rated4:32
7. Nicklas Sonne - Route 65not rated4:50
8. XIII Doors - Into The Unknownnot rated6:39
9. Snake Eyes & Pabst - Hug Menot rated2:25
10. Statement - My Last Goodbyenot rated4:47
11. Rick Pierce Group - Brick By Bricknot rated5:02
12. Royale Lynn - Battlegroundnot rated2:49
13. Wednesday 13 - When The Devil Commandsnot rated3:59
14. Alien Weaponry - 1000 Friendsnot rated4:39
15. Ghostlightnot rated5:42
16. Interview With Tobias Sammet Part Inot rated18:10
17. Creepshownot rated3:04
18. Interview With Tobias Sammet Part IInot rated21:07
19. Invoke The Machinenot rated6:44
20. Raging Speedhorn - Every Night's Alright For Fightingnot rated5:06
1. Editnot rated2:00:43
1. Rawnot rated2:00:43

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