William Shatner
The Transformed Man

William Shatner - The Transformed Man

  • Release date: 1992
  • Genre: Rock/Non-Music
  • Format: CD
  • Category: Official Release
  • Duration: 37:15
  • not rated
  • Added June 25


1. King Henry The Fifthnot rated3:02
2. Elegy For The Bravenot rated3:19
3. Theme From Cyranonot rated3:44
4. Mr. Tambourine Mannot rated3:07
5. Hamletnot rated3:49
6. It Was A Very Good Yearnot rated3:57
7. Romeo And Julietnot rated3:03
8. How Insensitive (Insensatez)not rated3:34
9. Spleennot rated3:03
10. Lucy In The Sky With Diamondsnot rated3:01
11. The Transformed Mannot rated3:36

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