Complete list of mcow1's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Dvorak / Munch / PiatigorskyGregor Piatigorsky, cello; Charles Munch, conductor; Boston Symphony Orchestra / Finale: Allegro moderatoDvorak: Cello Concerto; Walton: Cello Concerto (SACD hybrid)13:03not ratedCD
Dvorak / Munch / PiatigorskyGregor Piatigorsky, cello; Charles Munch, conductor; Boston Symphony Orchestra / ModeratoDvorak: Cello Concerto; Walton: Cello Concerto (SACD hybrid)8:13not ratedCD
Dvorak / Reiner, Chicago Symph.Adagio; Allegro moltoNew World Symphony & Other Orch. Masterworks (SACD hybrid)8:47not ratedCD
Dvorak / Reiner, Chicago Symph.Allegro con fuocoNew World Symphony & Other Orch. Masterworks (SACD hybrid)10:33not ratedCD
Dvorak / Reiner, Chicago Symph.Carnival Overture; Op. 92New World Symphony & Other Orch. Masterworks (SACD hybrid)8:53not ratedCD
Dvorak / Reiner, Chicago Symph.LargoNew World Symphony & Other Orch. Masterworks (SACD hybrid)12:27not ratedCD
Dvorak / Reiner, Chicago Symph.Scherzo: Molto vivaceNew World Symphony & Other Orch. Masterworks (SACD hybrid)7:33not ratedCD
Dvorak / Reiner, Chicago Symph.Schwanda: Polka and FugueNew World Symphony & Other Orch. Masterworks (SACD hybrid)9:18not ratedCD
Dvorak / Reiner, Chicago Symph.The Bartered Bride: OvertureNew World Symphony & Other Orch. Masterworks (SACD hybrid)6:32not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandBaby Let's CruiseSincerely (DCC gold)3:02not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandCould Be LoveSincerely (DCC gold)2:40not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandDid You See What HappenedSincerely (DCC gold)3:19not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandEnglandSincerely (DCC gold)2:35not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandFeeling in the DarkSincerely (DCC gold)2:57not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandI'm Losing YouSincerely (DCC gold)2:14not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandI'm on FireSincerely (DCC gold)3:18not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandI'm On FireClassic Rock3:12not ratedCD1987
Dwight Twilley BandJust Like the SunSincerely (DCC gold)3:41not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandLook Like an AngelSincerely (DCC gold)4:47not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandMiserable LadySincerely (DCC gold)3:01not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandRelease MeSincerely (DCC gold)2:30not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandRock Yourself, SonSincerely (DCC gold)2:26not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandSincerelySincerely (DCC gold)2:41not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandThree PersonsSincerely (DCC gold)2:07not ratedCD
Dwight Twilley BandTVSincerely (DCC gold)2:15not ratedCD

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