Complete list of mcow1's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Paul ButterfieldRule the roadBetter Days4:13not ratedCD1973
Paul ButterfieldSmall Town TalkIt All Comes Back5:37not ratedCD1973
Paul ButterfieldTake Your Pleasure Where You Find ItIt All Comes Back3:43not ratedCD1973
Paul ButterfieldToo Many DriversIt All Comes Back3:21not ratedCD1973
Paul ButterfieldWin or LoseIt All Comes Back4:38not ratedCD1973
Paul Butterfield Blues BandAin't No Need to Go No FurtherThe Original Lost Elektra Sessions2:45not ratedCD1995
Paul Butterfield Blues BandAll These BluesEast-West (AF SACD hybrid)2:25not ratedCD1966
Paul Butterfield Blues BandAll These BluesEast-West2:21not ratedCDR1966
Paul Butterfield Blues BandAll These BluesEast-West (DVD-A) 24/962:21not ratedDVD1966
Paul Butterfield Blues BandBlues With A FeelingPaul Butterfield Blues Band + 5 (mono) (DVD-A) 24/964:24not ratedCD1965
Paul Butterfield Blues BandBlues with a FeelingThe Paul Butterfield Blues Band (AF SACD hybrid)4:26not ratedCD
Paul Butterfield Blues BandBlues With A FeelingPaul Butterfield Blues Band + 5 (mono)4:24not ratedCD1965
Paul Butterfield Blues BandBorn In ChicagoPaul Butterfield Blues Band + 5 (mono)3:08not ratedCD1965
Paul Butterfield Blues BandBorn in ChicagoThe Paul Butterfield Blues Band (AF SACD hybrid)3:11not ratedCD
Paul Butterfield Blues BandBorn In ChicagoPaul Butterfield Blues Band + 5 (mono) (DVD-A) 24/963:08not ratedCD1965
Paul Butterfield Blues BandBorn Under a Bad SignThe Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw4:10not ratedCD1968
Paul Butterfield Blues BandDouble TroubleThe Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw5:41not ratedCD1968
Paul Butterfield Blues BandDriftin' and Driftin'The Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw9:09not ratedCD1968
Paul Butterfield Blues BandDrivin' WheelThe Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw5:58not ratedCD1968
Paul Butterfield Blues BandDroppin' OutThe Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw2:21not ratedCD1968
Paul Butterfield Blues BandEast-WestEast-West (DVD-A) 24/9613:10not ratedDVD1966
Paul Butterfield Blues BandEast-WestEast-West13:10not ratedCDR1966
Paul Butterfield Blues BandEast-WestEast-West (AF SACD hybrid)13:17not ratedCD1966
Paul Butterfield Blues BandEverything's Gonna Be All RightThe Original Lost Elektra Sessions2:58not ratedCD1995
Paul Butterfield Blues BandGet Out of My Life WomanEast-West (AF SACD hybrid)3:16not ratedCD1966

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