Complete list of matthiasstrauss's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim RiceRainbow HighEvita - Original London Cast2:31not ratedCD1976
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim RiceRainbow TourEvita - Original London Cast5:17not ratedCD1976
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim RiceRequiem for Evita; Oh what a CircusEvita - Original London Cast9:12not ratedCD1976
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim RiceSanta EvitaEvita - Original London Cast1:49not ratedCD1976
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim RiceShe is a DiamondEvita - Original London Cast2:55not ratedCD1976
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim RiceThe Actress Hasn't learned the lines (You'd like to hear)Evita - Original London Cast2:40not ratedCD1976
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim RiceThe Lady's got PotentialEvita - Original London Cast4:38not ratedCD1976
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim RiceWaltz for Evita and CheEvita - Original London Cast3:46not ratedCD1976
Andrew TuttleBurwood Heights convenienceMojo 2020.07 - Music for Homes - New Sounds for new Times3:02not ratedCD2020
AndromedaDay of the ChangeMojo 2018.08 - Kiss The Sky - Mojo Presents A 67-Minute Mind-Bending Experience!5:02not ratedCD2017
Andy EllisonCornflake ZooMojo 2015.08 - My Generation1:59not ratedCD2015
Andy KaufmanOne More Song For YouSoundtrack - Man On The Moon1:16not ratedCD1999
Andy KaufmanRose MarieSoundtrack - Man On The Moon2:36not ratedCD1999
Andy Lewis and Paul WellerAre You Trying to Be LonelyMojo 2008.06 - The Changing Man2:57not ratedCD2008
Andy Lewis feat. Keni Burke(Love Is) Alive In My HeartMojo 2012.11 - Move On Up3:06not ratedCD2012
Andy PartridgeBorn Out Of Your MouthUncut 2003.02 - Rebellious Jukebox2:50not ratedCD2003
Andy WilliamsMusic to watch Girls byMusikexpress Nr. 69 - Sony Nice Price2:34not ratedCD2003
Angel OlsenHi-FiveUncut 2014.03 - Hey! Ho! Let's Go! 15 tracks of the best new music2:56not ratedCD2014
Angelic UpstartsThe Murder Of Liddle TowersMojo 2008.07 - Destroy4:31not ratedCD2008
Angelique KidjoAe AeDjin Djin3:31not ratedCD2007
Angelique KidjoAngelique Kidjo - AgoloAgolo4:51not ratedCD1994
Angelique KidjoAngelique Kidjo - Agolo (Code 9 Mix)Agolo5:58not ratedCD1994
Angelique KidjoAngelique Kidjo - Agolo (How's Tricks Mix)Agolo6:09not ratedCD1994
Angelique KidjoAngelique Kidjo - Agolo (MK Dub)Agolo7:00not ratedCD1994
Angelique KidjoAngelique Kidjo - Agolo (MK Ragga Mix)Agolo5:05not ratedCD1994

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