Complete list of matthiasstrauss's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
ZZ TopViva Las VegasGreatest Hits4:46not ratedCD1992
ZZ TopWaitin' For The BusLive From Texas2:54not ratedCD2008
ZZ TopWaitin' For The BusTres Hombres2:54not ratedCD1973
ZZ TopWhat It Is KidMescalero4:13not ratedCD2003
ZZ TopWhat Would You DoMescalero3:03not ratedCD2003
ZZ TopWhat's Up With ThatRhythmeen5:20not ratedCD1996
ZZ TopWorld Of SwirlAntenna4:08not ratedCD1994
ZZ TopZipper JobRhythmeen4:14not ratedCD1996
{Audience During Sunday Rainstorm}Let The Sunshine InSoundtrack - Woodstock Two1:02not ratedCD2006

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