Complete list of markstunes's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Adrian BelewOne of Those DaysMr. Music Head3:24not ratedCD1989
Adrian BelewPaint The RoadTwang Bar King3:19not ratedLP1983
Adrian BelewPeaceable KingdomMr. Music Head3:36not ratedCD1989
Adrian BelewSexy RhinoTwang Bar King0:37not ratedLP1983
Adrian BelewShe Is Not DeadTwang Bar King4:41not ratedLP1983
Adrian BelewStop ItLone Rhino2:51not ratedLP1982
Adrian BelewSwinglineLone Rhino3:28not ratedLP1982
Adrian BelewThe Final RhinoLone Rhino1:23not ratedLP1982
Adrian BelewThe Ideal WomanTwang Bar King4:08not ratedLP1983
Adrian BelewThe Lone RhinocerosLone Rhino4:02not ratedLP1982
Adrian BelewThe Man InThe MoonLone Rhino3:50not ratedLP1982
Adrian BelewThe MomurLone Rhino3:44not ratedLP1982
Adrian BelewThe Rail SongTwang Bar King5:39not ratedLP1983
Adrian BelewTwang Bar KingTwang Bar King1:26not ratedLP1983
AerosmithAdam's AppleToys in the Attic4:34not ratedLP1975
AerosmithBig Ten Inch RecordToys in the Attic2:10not ratedLP1975
AerosmithDream OnAerosmith4:25not ratedCD1973
AerosmithMake ItAerosmith3:39not ratedCD1973
AerosmithMama KinAerosmith4:25not ratedCD1973
AerosmithMovin' OutAerosmith5:01not ratedCD1973
AerosmithNo More No MoreToys in the Attic4:35not ratedLP1975
AerosmithOne Way StreetAerosmith7:00not ratedCD1973
AerosmithRound and RoundToys in the Attic5:02not ratedLP1975
AerosmithSomebodyAerosmith3:45not ratedCD1973
AerosmithSweet EmotionToys in the Attic4:34not ratedLP1975

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