Carpenter, Michael (15 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Carpenter, MichaelAin't Nothing Left To SayCDR2016not rated43:10
Carpenter, MichaelBabyCD1999not rated50:31
Carpenter, MichaelBy Request Volume 1CDR2011not rated48:11
Carpenter, MichaelBy Request Volume 2CDR2011not rated46:32
Carpenter, MichaelGive The Dog A BoneCDR2008not rated27:44
Carpenter, MichaelHopefulnessCD2000not rated48:30
Carpenter, MichaelNew Dog Old TricksCDR2008not rated25:56
Carpenter, MichaelRedemption #39CDR2009not rated41:56
Carpenter, MichaelRolling BallCD2004not rated46:00
Carpenter, MichaelSOOPCDR2016not rated4:43:45
Carpenter, MichaelThe Big RadioCDR2015not rated47:44
Carpenter, MichaelThe Completed Cuban HeelsCDR2008not rated24:27
Carpenter, MichaelThe Incomplete Cuban HeelsCDR2010not rated1:01:35
Carpenter, MichaelUp CloseCDR2002not rated1:14:27
Carpenter, Michael & King's RdKingsRdWorksCD2003not rated44:29