The Melvins (29 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Melvins26 SongsMP3not rated1:03:55
The MelvinsA senile animalM4Anot rated41:21
The MelvinsBullheadMP31991not rated30:48
The MelvinsDale Crover EPMP3not rated12:39
The MelvinsEggnog EPMP3not rated20:19
The MelvinsElectroretardMP3not rated42:16
The MelvinsFlipper Covers EPMP31990not rated7:50
The MelvinsGluey Porch Treatments (Ipecac Re-Release)MP3not rated43:52
The MelvinsHonkyMP3not rated45:47
The MelvinsHostile Ambient TakeoverMP3not rated46:28
The MelvinsHoudiniMP31993not rated54:45
The MelvinsJoe Preston EPMP3not rated27:36
The MelvinsKing Buzzo EPMP3not rated13:51
The MelvinsLizzy EPMP31993not rated13:11
The MelvinsLysol EPMP3not rated31:13
The MelvinsMangled Demos from 1983MP32005not rated43:27
The MelvinsMelvinsMP31995not rated37:46
The MelvinsNeither Here Nor ThereMP3not rated1:22:05
The MelvinsNude With BootsMP32008not rated42:15
The MelvinsOzmaMP3not rated35:11
The MelvinsPrickMP3not rated43:57
The MelvinsSingles 1-12MP3not rated1:33:13
The MelvinsStagMP3not rated50:31
The MelvinsStoner WitchMP32001not rated49:36
The MelvinsThe BootlickerMP3not rated39:15
The MelvinsThe CrybabyMP3not rated1:07:30
The MelvinsThe MaggotMP3not rated40:07
The MelvinsleechMP31996not rated1:00:28
The Melvinssawed off 7''MP31993not rated5:05