Night in the Ruts

Aerosmith - Night in the Ruts

  • Release date: 1979
  • Genre: Metal
  • Format: CDR (Cased)
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 35:47
  • not rated
  • Added August 7, 2003


1. No Surprizenot rated4:26
2. Chiquitanot rated4:26
3. Remember (Walking in the Sand)not rated4:06
4. Cheese Cakenot rated4:15
5. Three Mile Smilenot rated3:43
6. Reefer Head Womannot rated4:03
7. Bone to Bone (Coney Island White Fish Boy)not rated3:00
8. Think About Itnot rated3:35
9. Mianot rated4:13

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