Complete list of lobelia's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Smashing PumpkinsAnnie-DogAdore3:38not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsAppels + OranjesAdore3:35not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsAva AdoreAdore4:20not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsBehold! The Night MareAdore5:13not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsBlank PageAdore4:58not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsCrestfallenAdore4:09not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsDaphne DescendsAdore4:39not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsFor MarthaAdore8:17not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsOnce Upon A TimeAdore4:05not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsPerfectAdore3:23not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsPugAdore4:47not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsShameAdore6:40not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsTearAdore5:53not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsThe Tale Of Dusty And Pistol PeteAdore4:35not ratedCD1998
Smashing PumpkinsTo SheilaAdore4:46not ratedCD1998
SmithBaby It's YouQuentin Tarantino's - Death Proof3:22not ratedCD2007
Smiths, TheAskLouder Than Bombs3:18not ratedCD1987
Smiths, TheAskThe World Won't Listen3:15not ratedCD1986
Smiths, TheAsleepLouder Than Bombs4:10not ratedCD1987
Smiths, TheAsleepThe World Won't Listen4:10not ratedCD1986
Smiths, TheBack To The Old HouseLouder Than Bombs3:04not ratedCD1987
Smiths, TheBigmouth Strikes AgainThe World Won't Listen3:13not ratedCD1986
Smiths, TheGirl AfraidLouder Than Bombs2:48not ratedCD1987
Smiths, TheGolden LightsThe World Won't Listen2:40not ratedCD1986
Smiths, TheGolden LightsLouder Than Bombs2:39not ratedCD1987

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