Muse (12 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
MuseAbsolutionMP32003not rated52:27
MuseBlack Holes and RevelationsMP32006not rated45:25
MuseBlack Holes and Revelations (Re-entry)MP32008not rated45:30
MuseDronesMP32015not rated52:43
MuseH.A.A.R.P: Live from WembleyMP32008not rated1:11:56
MuseHullabaloo SoundtrackMP32002not rated1:19:17
MuseLive at Rome Olympic StadiumMP32013not rated1:04:34
MuseLive at Rome Olympic Stadium (Edition Studio Masters)MP32013not rated1:04:36
MuseOrigin of SymmetryMP32001not rated51:38
MuseShowbizMP32000not rated49:45
MuseThe 2nd LawMP32012not rated53:34
MuseThe 2nd Law (Re-entry)MP32013not rated53:34