Complete list of livecdtrader's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Arctic MonkeysRiot VanWhatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not2:13not ratedMP32006
Arctic MonkeysSculptures Of Anything GoesThe Car3:59not ratedMP32022
Arctic MonkeysSecret DoorHumbug3:43not ratedMP32009
Arctic MonkeysShe Looks Like Fun (Live)Live at the Royal Albert Hall3:22not ratedMP32020
Arctic MonkeysShe's ThunderstormsSuck It And See3:55not ratedMP32011
Arctic MonkeysSnap Out of ItAM3:13not ratedMP32013
Arctic MonkeysStar Treatment (Live)Live at the Royal Albert Hall5:35not ratedMP32020
Arctic MonkeysStill Take You HomeWhatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not2:50not ratedMP32006
Arctic MonkeysStill Take You HomeLive In Texas2:33not ratedMP32008
Arctic MonkeysSuck It And SeeSuck It And See3:46not ratedMP32011
Arctic MonkeysTeddy PickerFavourite Worst Nightmare2:40not ratedMP32007
Arctic MonkeysThat's Where You're WrongSuck It And See4:17not ratedMP32011
Arctic MonkeysThe Bad ThingFavourite Worst Nightmare2:23not ratedMP32007
Arctic MonkeysThe Blond-O-Sonic Shimmer TrapSuck It And See3:28not ratedMP32011
Arctic MonkeysThe CarThe Car3:18not ratedMP32022
Arctic MonkeysThe Hellcat Spangled ShalalalaSuck It And See3:00not ratedMP32011
Arctic MonkeysThe Jeweller's HandsHumbug5:42not ratedMP32009
Arctic MonkeysThe View From The AfternoonWho The Fuck Are The Arctic Monkeys3:39not ratedMP32006
Arctic MonkeysThe View From The AfternoonLive In Texas3:55not ratedMP32008
Arctic MonkeysThe View From The AfternoonWhatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not3:37not ratedMP32006
Arctic MonkeysThe View From The Afternoon (LLive at the Royal Albert Hall4:24not ratedMP32020
Arctic MonkeysThere’d Better Be A MirrorballThe Car4:26not ratedMP32022
Arctic MonkeysThis House Is A CircusFavourite Worst Nightmare3:09not ratedMP32007
Arctic MonkeysTranquility Base Hotel & Casino (Live)Live at the Royal Albert Hall4:03not ratedMP32020
Arctic MonkeysWhen The Sun Goes DownWhatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not3:17not ratedMP32006

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