Complete list of livecdtrader's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Damien JuradoFrankieWhat's New, Tomboy?2:46not ratedMP32020
Damien JuradoFuelOn My Way to Absence2:16not ratedMP32005
Damien JuradoGas StationAnd Now That I'm in Your Shadow3:26not ratedMP32006
Damien JuradoGasoline DrinksAnd Now That I'm in Your Shadow4:36not ratedMP32006
Damien JuradoGhost in the SnowGhost of David3:06not ratedMP32000
Damien JuradoGhost of DavidGhost of David2:33not ratedMP32000
Damien JuradoGreat TodayGhost of David2:57not ratedMP32000
Damien JuradoHalo FriendlyWaters Ave. S.3:27not ratedMP31997
Damien JuradoHands on the TableIn the Shape of a Storm4:26not ratedMP32019
Damien JuradoHappy Birthday JohnGathered In Song3:30not ratedMP32006
Damien JuradoHappy Birthday John (demo)Gathered In Song3:23not ratedMP32006
Damien JuradoHarborviewSaint Bartlett3:01not ratedMP32010
Damien JuradoHarborviewLive at Landlocked2:47not ratedMP32011
Damien JuradoHelenaThe Monster Who Hated Pennsylvania2:47not ratedMP32021
Damien JuradoHell or HighwaterWaters Ave. S.2:05not ratedMP31997
Damien JuradoHiding GhostsThe Monster Who Hated Pennsylvania2:25not ratedMP32021
Damien JuradoHoney BabyRehearsals for Departure3:41not ratedMP31999
Damien JuradoHoquiamAnd Now That I'm in Your Shadow3:30not ratedMP32006
Damien JuradoHotel HospitalAnd Now That I'm in Your Shadow1:08not ratedMP32006
Damien JuradoI Am Still HereAnd Now That I'm in Your Shadow4:38not ratedMP32006
Damien JuradoI Am The MountainOn My Way to Absence3:26not ratedMP32005
Damien JuradoI Can't Get Over YouWhere Shall You Take Me ?3:11not ratedMP32003
Damien JuradoI Had No IntentionsAnd Now That I'm in Your Shadow4:17not ratedMP32006
Damien JuradoIcicleOn My Way to Absence3:13not ratedMP32005
Damien JuradoIndependentWaters Ave. S.3:48not ratedMP31997

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