Complete list of livecdtrader's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Mac DeMarcoBaby You’re OutOld Dog Demos2:59not ratedMP32018
Mac DeMarcoBaby's Wearing Blue JeansRock and Roll Night Club (EP)3:33not ratedMP32012
Mac DemarcoBaby's Wearing Blue JeansLive at Russian Recording2:59not ratedMP32013
Mac DeMarcoBlue BoySalad Days Demos2:11not ratedMP32014
Mac DemarcoBlue BoySalad Days2:06not ratedMP32014
Mac DeMarcoBoe Zaah21:41not ratedMP32012
Mac DemarcoBrotherSalad Days3:32not ratedMP32014
Mac DeMarcoBrotherSalad Days Demos2:55not ratedMP32014
Mac DeMarcoB^)Another (Demo) One3:19not ratedMP32015
Mac DemarcoChamber Of ReflectionSalad Days3:51not ratedMP32014
Mac DeMarcoChoo ChooHere Comes The Cowboy2:39not ratedMP32019
Mac DemarcoCocaineLive at Russian Recording1:29not ratedMP32013
Mac DemarcoCooking Up Something GoodLive at Russian Recording2:30not ratedMP32013
Mac DeMarcoCooking Up Something Good22:41not ratedMP32012
Mac DemarcoCooking Up Something GoodLive and Acoustic: Vol. 13:01not ratedMP32013
Mac DeMarcoCooking Up Something GoodThe 2 Demos2:07not ratedMP32013
Mac DeMarcoDemo Without MeAnother (Demo) One2:46not ratedMP32015
Mac DeMarcoDon JuanSome Other Ones (EP)1:54not ratedMP32015
Mac DeMarcoDreamin' FastThe 2 Demos1:43not ratedMP32013
Mac DeMarcoDreamin' SlowThe 2 Demos2:37not ratedMP32013
Mac DeMarcoDreaming22:27not ratedMP32012
Mac DeMarcoDreams from YesterdayThis Old Dog3:27not ratedMP32017
Mac DeMarcoDreams from YesterdayOld Dog Demos2:59not ratedMP32018
Mac DemarcoEating Like a KidLive and Acoustic: Vol. 13:05not ratedMP32013
Mac DemarcoEnter SandmanThe Metallica Blacklist CD15:46not ratedMP32021

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