Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Journey1983-07-21 - Lloyd Noble Arenda, Norman, OKMP31983not rated1:11:02
Journey1986-10-15 - The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PAMP3not rated1:23:44
Journey2021-07-31 - Grant Park Lollapalooza, Chicago, ILMP3not rated1:38:26
JourneyArrivalMP3not rated1:06:40
JourneyCapturedMP3not rated1:09:30
JourneyDepartureMP3not rated38:00
JourneyDream, After DreamMP3not rated34:57
JourneyEscapeMP3not rated42:42
JourneyEvolutionMP3not rated37:09
JourneyFreedomMP32022not rated1:13:08
JourneyFrontiersMP3not rated44:06
JourneyGenerationsMP3not rated57:23
JourneyGreatest HitsMP31988not rated1:01:10
JourneyGreatest Hits LiveMP3not rated1:10:44
JourneyIn The BeginningMP3not rated1:15:32
JourneyInfinityMP3not rated36:27
JourneyJourneyMP3not rated37:01
JourneyLive Houston 1981 Escape TourMP32006not rated1:17:07
JourneyLive In Las Vegas - 2000MP3not rated1:19:44
JourneyLook Into The FutureMP3not rated41:29
JourneyNextMP3not rated37:19
JourneyRaised on RadioMP3not rated44:40
JourneyRed 13MP3not rated24:28
JourneyThe BalladsMP3not rated57:00
JourneyThe Essential CD1MP3not rated1:06:34

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