Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
She & Him2008-06-01 - KCRW, Los Angeles, CAMP32008not rated10:29
She & Him2008-11-03 - Bimbo's 365 Club, San Francisco, CAMP32008not rated1:02:53
She & Him2010-03-24 - Morning Becomes Eclectic, KCRW, Los Angeles, CAMP32010not rated24:20
She & Him2010-05-28 - Rio Theatre, Santa Cruz, CAMP32010not rated1:17:52
She & Him2010-06-11 - Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival, Great Stage Park, Manchester, TNMP32010not rated46:03
She & Him2010-07-06 - Terminal 5, New York, NYMP32010not rated16:51
She & Him2010-07-11- Forecastle Festival, Waterfront Park, Louisville, KYMP32010not rated58:39
She & Him2010-09-05 - @ Los Angeles Times' Celebration Of Food & Wine, Paramount Studios, Hollywood, CAMP32010not rated3:25
She & HimA Very She & Him ChristmasMP32011not rated32:03
She & HimBaby, It's Cold Outside (Single)MP32011not rated2:17
She & HimChristmas PartyMP32016not rated32:05
She & HimClassicsMP32014not rated38:48
She & HimGod Only Knows (Single)MP32014not rated2:43
She & HimI Could've Been Your Girl (Single)MP32013not rated3:12
She & HimI Put A Spell On You (Single)MP32010not rated5:51
She & HimIn The Sun (Single)MP32010not rated6:39
She & HimMelt Away: A Tribute To Brian WilsonMP32022not rated40:19
She & HimNever Wanted Your Love (Single)MP32013not rated3:15
She & HimStay Awhile (Single)MP32014not rated2:37
She & HimThe Capitol Studios Session (EP)MP32013not rated12:53
She & HimThieves (Single)MP32010not rated6:04
She & HimVolume 3MP32013not rated42:38
She & HimVolume OneMP32008not rated36:29
She & HimVolume TwoMP32010not rated43:16
She & HimWhy Do You Let Me Stay Here? (Single)MP32008not rated6:22

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