Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Royal Canoe2013-07-25 - Daytrotter Studio, Rock Island, ILMP32013not rated19:58
Royal CanoeCo-Op ModeMP32011not rated41:26
Royal CanoeEPMP32010not rated17:34
Royal CanoeExtended PlayMP32012not rated17:37
Royal CanoeFussin' [ft. Begonia]MP32017not rated3:55
Royal CanoeGlacial (Live)MP32020not rated21:57
Royal CanoePainted for Us [ft. Little Scream]MP32017not rated5:28
Royal CanoePurple and GoldMP32012not rated17:21
Royal CanoeRAYZ (Alt. Glacial)MP32019not rated4:18
Royal CanoeRAYZ (Lazerbeak Remix)MP32019not rated3:44
Royal CanoeRoyal Canoe Does Beck's Song ReaderMP32014not rated26:09
Royal CanoeRoyal Canoe on Audiotree LiveMP32016not rated21:38
Royal CanoeSomething Got Lost Between Here and the OrbitMP32016not rated47:56
Royal CanoeToday We're BelieversMP32013not rated55:29
Royal CanoeWaverMP32019not rated43:28
Royal Canoe; 3peatRC3POMP32019not rated15:13
Royal Philharmonic OrchestraOrchestral ManeuversMP3not rated54:24
Royal Southern BrotherhoodDon't Look BackMP3not rated1:08:19
Royal Trux3-Song EPMP31998not rated13:06
Royal TruxAcceleratorMP31998not rated35:49
Royal TruxCats and DogsMP31993not rated41:39
Royal TruxHand of GloryMP32002not rated40:03
Royal TruxLiar +3MP31998not rated11:25
Royal TruxPlatinum Tips + Ice CreamMP32017not rated40:54
Royal TruxPound for PoundMP32000not rated43:31

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