Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Robin TrowerThis Was Now 74-98 (1974 Pittsburg PA) CD1MP3not rated1:14:17
Robin TrowerTime And EmotionMP32017not rated52:00
Robin TrowerTwice Removed From YesterdayMP32014not rated41:16
Robin TrowerVictims Of The FuryMP3not rated32:27
Robin TrowerWhat Lies BeneathMP32009not rated42:13
Robin TrowerWhere You Are Going ToMP32016not rated40:16
Robin Trower & Jack BruceSeven Moons LiveMP32009not rated1:17:02
Robin Trower - Jack BruceNo Stopping AnytimeMP31989not rated1:00:00
Robin WilliamsA Night At The MetMP31986not rated53:04
Robin WilliamsLive 2002 CD1MP32002not rated1:12:07
Robin WilliamsLive 2002 CD2MP3not rated43:02
Robin WilliamsReality... What A ConceptMP31979not rated44:18
Robin WilliamsThrobbing Python Of LoveMP31983not rated42:22
Robin WilliamsWeapons Of Self DestuctionMP32010not rated1:20:40
Robin Williams & Ry CooderPecos BillMP31988not rated33:04
RobynBody TalkMP32010not rated1:01:13
RobynBody Talk Pt. 1MP32010not rated30:43
RobynDon't Stop the MusicMP32003not rated50:07
RobyniTunes Foreign ExchangeMP32009not rated7:50
RobynRobynMP3not rated48:40
RobynRobyn Is HereMP31997not rated55:50
RobynThe Cherrytree SessionsMP32009not rated12:02
RobynThe RakamonieMP3not rated16:59
Rock Star InxsRock Star INXSMP3not rated58:35
Rockapella(Devilbaby)MP31997not rated45:17

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