Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Reel Big FishWe're Not Happy 'till You're Not HappyMP3not rated59:44
Reel Big FishWhy Do They Rock So HardMP3not rated1:02:37
Regina SpektorBegin to HopeMP32006not rated47:16
Regina SpektorDemo CassetteMP31999not rated11:18
Regina SpektorEleven ElevenMP32001not rated46:23
Regina SpektorFarMP32009not rated47:17
Regina SpektorHome, Before and AfterMP32022not rated47:16
Regina SpektorLive at Bull Moose EPMP32005not rated16:06
Regina SpektorLive in California 2006 EPMP32007not rated15:17
Regina SpektorLive in LondonMP32010not rated1:14:13
Regina SpektorRegina Spektor Live on SoundstageMP32017not rated1:16:54
Regina SpektorRemember Us to Life (Deluxe)MP32016not rated1:00:14
Regina SpektorSongsMP32002not rated49:37
Regina SpektorSoviet KitschMP32003not rated38:50
Regina SpektorWhat We Saw from The Cheap SeatsMP3not rated45:33
Reijo Taipale & The MustangsReijo Taipale & The MustangsMP31993not rated37:14
REM1983-07-13 - Paradise Rock Club, Boston, MAMP3not rated1:17:41
REM1984-11-21 - Rock City, Nottingham, EnglandMP31984not rated39:23
REM1985-07-07 - Rock Werchter Festival, Werchter, BelgiumMP31985not rated25:51
REM1985-08-16 - The Concert Hall, Masonic Temple, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaMP3not rated1:34:04
REM1986-11-16 - Trask Auditorium, Wilmiton, NC CD1MP3not rated43:47
REM1986-11-16 - Trask Auditorium, Wilmiton, NC CD2MP3not rated38:45
REM1987-09-14 - Muziekcentrum Vredenburg, Utrecht, NetherlandsMP31987not rated1:29:12
REM1989-09-15 - Great Woods, Mansfield, MAMP31989not rated2:01:17
REM1991-04-05 - Eastern Studios, Toronto, OntarioMP3not rated55:57

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