Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Pink FloydNothing but the Blues CD2MP3not rated1:15:26
Pink FloydNothing but the Blues CD3MP3not rated4:38
Pink FloydObscured At The RainbowMP31973not rated1:07:46
Pink FloydObscured by CloudsMP31972not rated40:27
Pink FloydObscured By Clouds - The High Resolution Remasters CD1MP3not rated1:04:59
Pink FloydObscured By Clouds - The High Resolution Remasters CD3MP3not rated1:07:02
Pink FloydObscured By Clouds - The High Resolution Remasters CD2MP3not rated54:13
Pink FloydOff The WallMP31979not rated32:02
Pink FloydOld SymphoniesMP31970not rated1:12:17
Pink FloydOmay YadMP3not rated47:13
Pink FloydOn the Air CD1MP3not rated1:13:47
Pink FloydOn the Air CD2MP3not rated1:13:55
Pink FloydOne Of These DaysMP31971not rated47:23
Pink FloydOne Slip (CDS)MP31987not rated18:44
Pink FloydOver Bradford Pigs On The Groove Bradford University, live 10 Oct 1971MP31971not rated1:46:42
Pink FloydP3 (1994)MP3not rated1:01:39
Pink FloydPink Days & Fat Old Suns - Archives 1973MP3not rated1:13:51
Pink FloydPink Floyd - HomeMP3not rated43:28
Pink FloydPink Floyd - Power of the Dark SideMP32013not rated50:46
Pink FloydPink Floyd Greatest Hits Covered CD2MP32010not rated1:14:38
Pink FloydPink Floyd Greatest Hits Covered CD1MP32010not rated1:16:08
Pink FloydPinkie MilkieMP3not rated1:17:57
Pink FloydProjected SoundsMP32008not rated44:02
Pink FloydPsychedelic Games for MayMP3not rated41:52
Pink FloydPsychedelic SessionsMP31989not rated35:48

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