Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Middle of the RoadMiddle Of The RoadMP3not rated2:57
Midge Ure10 [Cover Versions]MP32008not rated37:30
Midge UreAnswers To NothingMP3not rated45:34
Midge UreBreatheMP3not rated46:44
Midge UreLittle OrphansMP32001not rated1:00:10
Midge UreMove MeMP3not rated53:04
Midge UreOrchestratedMP32017not rated1:03:45
Midge UrePureMP3not rated50:07
Midge UreThe Gift CD1MP32010not rated46:07
Midge UreThe Gift CD2 (Further Listening)MP32010not rated1:16:25
Midge UreThe Works CD1MP32013not rated1:19:03
Midge UreThe Works CD2MP32013not rated1:19:52
Midge Ure & Mick KarnAfter A Fashion (UK 12")MP31983not rated9:08
Midge Ure & Mick KarnAfter A Fashion / 7`MP31983not rated7:20
Midge Ure & SlikSlikMP31976not rated1:18:28
Midge Ure & SlikThe Best of SlikMP31999not rated1:16:29
Midge Ure & UltravoxIf I Was. The Very Best Of Midge Ure & UltravoxMP31993not rated1:06:15
Midge Ure & X-PeriencePersonal Heaven [CDM]MP32007not rated21:04
Midi Maxi EftiMidi Maxi EftiMP3not rated3:22
Midlake2006-07-26 - T.T. the Bear's Place, Cambridge, MAMP32006not rated43:49
MidlakeActs of man [cds]MP32009not rated7:18
MidlakeAntiphonMP32013not rated43:39
MidlakeBalloon MakerMP32005not rated16:50
MidlakeBamnan and SlivercorkMP32004not rated45:48
MidlakeChildren Of The Grounds [cds]MP32010not rated3:55

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