Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Liz PhairFunstyle CD1 - FunstyleMP32010not rated40:05
Liz PhairFunstyle CD2 - GirlysoundMP32010not rated38:54
Liz PhairGirly-Sound To Guyville - The 25th Anniversary Box Set CD2MP32018not rated1:08:01
Liz PhairGirly-Sound To Guyville - The 25th Anniversary Box Set CD3MP32018not rated37:13
Liz PhairGirly-Sound To Guyville - The 25th Anniversary Box Set CD1MP32018not rated49:03
Liz PhairGirlysound (Demo Tapes) CD1MP31992not rated58:25
Liz PhairGirlysound (Demo Tapes) CD2MP31992not rated1:04:20
Liz PhairJuveniliaMP31995not rated44:40
Liz PhairLiz PhairMP32003not rated50:10
Liz PhairRare Trax CD1MP32004not rated1:08:45
Liz PhairRare Trax CD2MP32004not rated57:15
Liz PhairSoberishMP32021not rated43:46
Liz PhairSomebody's MiracleMP32005not rated58:21
Liz PhairSupernova EPMP31994not rated16:06
Liz PhairWhip-SmartMP31994not rated41:53
Liz PhairWhitechocolatespaceeggMP31998not rated51:11
LizzoSpecialMP32022not rated35:13
Lizzy GrantKill Kill - EPMP32008not rated13:39
LL Cool J14 Shots To The DomeMP31993not rated1:04:52
LL Cool JAll WorldMP31996not rated1:13:10
LL Cool JBigger and DefferMP31987not rated45:15
LL Cool JExit 13MP32008not rated1:15:59
LL Cool JG.O.A.T.MP32000not rated1:13:34
LL Cool JMama Said Knock You OutMP31990not rated1:01:42
LL Cool JMr. SmithMP31995not rated58:31

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