Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Lionel RichieRenaissanceMP3not rated58:43
Lionel RichieSounds Of SeasonMP3not rated28:22
Lionel RichieThe Definitive Collection CD1MP3not rated1:19:26
Lionel RichieThe Definitive Collection CD2MP3not rated1:14:44
Lionel RichieTimeMP3not rated55:30
Lionel RichieTruly - The Love SongsMP3not rated1:17:05
Lionel RichieTuskegeeMP32012not rated1:03:02
Lionel Richie & BBC Concert OrchestraLive at the MermaidMP32004not rated1:28:27
LionheartsCompanionMP32018not rated44:47
LionheartsContinuous CD2MP32015not rated43:42
LionheartsSingle Tracks CD1MP32017not rated46:12
Lipps Inc.Funkyworld - The Best Of Lipps, Inc.MP3not rated1:14:18
Lisa HanniganAt SwimMP32016not rated39:37
Lisa HanniganLive at FingerprintsMP32009not rated26:03
Lisa HanniganLive from the Artists DenMP32011not rated39:48
Lisa HanniganPassengerMP32011not rated38:35
Lisa HanniganSea SewMP32008not rated40:14
Lisa LoebCake And PieMP32001not rated45:54
Lisa LoebCamp LisaMP32008not rated36:02
Lisa LoebFirecrackerMP31997not rated42:03
Lisa LoebLullaby GirlMP32017not rated41:47
Lisa LoebNo Fairy Tale (Japanese Release)MP32012not rated45:27
Lisa LoebPurple TapeMP32008not rated32:45
Lisa LoebPurple Tape InterviewMP32008not rated1:01:27
Lisa LoebThe Way It Really IsMP3not rated37:12

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