Complete list of livecdtrader's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Led ZeppelinBbc Session CD2MP3not rated1:18:15
Led ZeppelinCodaMP3not rated32:55
Led ZeppelinHouse Of The HolyMP3not rated40:52
Led ZeppelinHow The West Was Won CD1MP3not rated56:06
Led ZeppelinHow The West Was Won CD2MP3not rated53:08
Led ZeppelinHow The West Was Won CD3MP3not rated40:51
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorMP3not rated42:32
Led ZeppelinIV CD1MP32014not rated42:38
Led ZeppelinIV CD2MP32014not rated40:34
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IMP3not rated44:20
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIMP3not rated41:25
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIiMP3not rated42:47
Led ZeppelinLive at the K.B Hallen (1st gen master) - Copenhagen, Denmark May 3, 1971MP31971not rated58:49
Led ZeppelinLive: Texas International Pop Festival 1969MP31969not rated1:04:58
Led ZeppelinPhysical Graffiti CD1MP3not rated39:05
Led ZeppelinPhysical Graffiti CD2MP3not rated43:18
Led ZeppelinPresenceMP3not rated44:24
Led ZeppelinStudio Magik (Sessions 1968-1980) - CD4 - LZ II Multitracks-HeartbreakerMP32013not rated1:12:30
Led ZeppelinStudio Magik (Sessions 1968-1980) - CD16 - Radio, Presence, Bonzo's Montreux, & In Through the Out Door OuttakesMP32013not rated1:09:49
Led ZeppelinStudio Magik (Sessions 1968-1980) - CD5 - LZ II Multitracks-Ramble OnMP32013not rated1:01:33
Led ZeppelinStudio Magik (Sessions 1968-1980) - CD3 - LZ II Multitracks-What Is And What Should Never BeMP32013not rated58:07
Led ZeppelinStudio Magik (Sessions 1968-1980) - CD17 - In Through The Out Door SessionsMP32013not rated1:05:23
Led ZeppelinStudio Magik (Sessions 1968-1980) - CD2 - LZ II Multitracks-Whole Lotta LoveMP32013not rated1:12:25
Led ZeppelinStudio Magik (Sessions 1968-1980) - CD6 - LZ III Sessions (Part 1)MP32013not rated1:11:33
Led ZeppelinStudio Magik (Sessions 1968-1980) - CD18 - In Through The Out Door Sessions & Final RehearsalMP32013not rated1:06:10

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