Complete list of larsaf's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Michael CretuWhen Love Is Missing WorldMystic Hitsnot ratedMP3
Michael CretuYour Favorite ToyMystic Hitsnot ratedMP3
Michael GarrisonBeyond The Cosmic HorizonThe Best of New Age5:01not ratedCD1994
Michael GarrisonBeyond The Cosmic HorizonThe Best of New Age5:01not ratedCD1994
Michael HoenigBones On The BeachXcept One6:09not ratedMP31987
Michael HoenigDeparture from the Northern WastelandDeparture from the Northern Wasteland20:56not ratedMP31978
Michael HoenigForgotten ThoughtsXcept One7:22not ratedMP31987
Michael HoenigHanging Garden TransferDeparture from the Northern Wasteland10:59not ratedMP31978
Michael HoenigScatter Part IXcept One4:30not ratedMP31987
Michael HoenigScatter Part IIXcept One6:11not ratedMP31987
Michael HoenigSpectral GongXcept One7:12not ratedMP31987
Michael HoenigSun and MoonDeparture from the Northern Wasteland4:14not ratedMP31978
Michael HoenigVoices of WhereDeparture from the Northern Wasteland6:17not ratedMP31978
Michael HoenigXcept OneXcept One5:09not ratedMP31987
Michael HolmTränen Lügen NichtHit Giganten - Kultschlager3:59not ratedMP32005
Michael HoppeA Thousand WhispersAfterglow - 19993:44not ratedMP31999
Michael HoppeAndrew's ThemeQuiet Storms: Romances for Flute and Harp4:28not ratedMP32001
Michael HoppeAndrews Theme from MisunderstoodQuiet Storms4:29not ratedCD
Michael HoppeAndrews Theme from MisunderstoodQuiet Storms4:29not ratedCD
Michael HoppeAvalonQuiet Storms4:04not ratedCD
Michael HoppeAvalonQuiet Storms: Romances for Flute and Harp4:03not ratedMP32001
Michael HoppeAvalonQuiet Storms4:04not ratedCD
Michael HoppeBeloved (With Kenton Youngstrom)Solace (2003)3:06not ratedMP32003
Michael HoppeCal's LamentHomeland4:06not ratedMP32001
Michael HoppeChanges (For A. E. Housman)The Poet: Romances for Cello2:30not ratedMP31997

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