Complete list of larsaf's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
3T24-7Mc Donald's Love Songs3:55not ratedCD1999
3T24-7Mc Donald's Love Songs3:55not ratedCD1999
4 Non BlondesWhat's UpHit Giganten - Apres Ski Hits4:50not ratedMP32009
4 Non BlondesWhat's UpHit Giganten4:54not ratedMP32003
4 The CauseStand By MeHit Giganten - One Hit Wonder3:44not ratedMP32008
4A Sheridan's Arrest4B Edgar's Whole Truth / 4C Bester Unlocks GaribaldiBabylon 5 - The Face of the Enemy5:52not ratedCD
5000 VoltsIm On FireHit Giganten - Disco Hitsnot ratedMP32004
5A Garibaldi Downloaded5B Bester's Whole Truth / 5C Garibaldi Coming to his SensesBabylon 5 - The Face of the Enemy6:43not ratedCD
6A The Future Looming Ahead6B End TitleBabylon 5 - The Face of the Enemy4:02not ratedCD
8-Bit WeaponSpacelab8-Bit Operators - An 8-Bit Tribute4:54not ratedMP32007
93-DRuby's LullabyPlaneta Nova Era (Disco 6)4:24not ratedMP31997
@shraechoe wavesOsaka - Tokio20:35not ratedCD
@shraechoe wavesOsaka - Tokio20:35not ratedCD
@shraniemand lacht rückwärtsOsaka - Tokio20:41not ratedCD
@shraniemand lacht rückwärtsOsaka - Tokio20:41not ratedCD
@shratimbuktuOsaka - Tokio8:04not ratedCD
@shratimbuktuOsaka - Tokio8:04not ratedCD
@shratwelve samplesOsaka - Tokio18:34not ratedCD
@shratwelve samplesOsaka - Tokio18:34not ratedCD
A Face Without a NameBill Evans, Eddy GomezNight and Day5:39not ratedCD1995
A Face Without a NameBill Evans, Eddy GomezNight and Day5:39not ratedCD1995
A Flock Of SeagullsI RanHit Giganten - Pop & Wave Der 80er5:03not ratedMP32005
A Forest Called Mulu (Special Guest: Chris Hinze)Rain DreamersWorld Of Harmony - Symphonic Dreams4:06not ratedCD
A Forest Called Mulu (Special Guest: Chris Hinze)Rain DreamersWorld Of Harmony - Symphonic Dreams4:06not ratedCD
A Natural WonderWilderness WalkWilderness Walk47:59not ratedMP3

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