Complete list of larsaf's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
CuscoThe Journeys of Marco Polo - CuscoAncient Journeys - A Vision of the New World3:07not ratedMP32000
CuscoThe King of The FrogsTales from a distant land3:35not ratedMP3
CuscoThe Lonely RoseTales from a distant land5:10not ratedMP3
CuscoThe Lucky JackTales from a distant land5:16not ratedMP3
CuscoThe Nine MusesInner Journeys: Myth & Legendsnot ratedMP3
CuscoThe Waltzing PrinceTales from a distant land3:12not ratedMP3
CuscoTigris & Euphrates - CuscoAncient Journeys - A Vision of the New World6:44not ratedMP32000
CuscoTulaApurimac II5:08not ratedCD1994
CuscoTulaApurimac II5:08not ratedCD1994
CuscoTundraCool Islands5:05not ratedMP3
Cuscotupac amaruApurimac I3:05not ratedMP32000
CuscoTupac AmaruThe Best of Cusco3:00not ratedMP31997
CuscoUnknown ParadiseAustralia3:56not ratedMP3
CuscoUrsa MinorPlanet Voyage3:49not ratedMP3
CuscoVenusPlanet Voyage5:36not ratedMP3
CuscoWalrusCool Islands3:36not ratedMP3
CuscoWaters Of CesmeThe Best of Cusco4:26not ratedMP31997
CuscoWaters of ChangeWater Stories4:17not ratedMP31990
CuscoWhaleCool Islands4:26not ratedMP3
CuscoWhite BuffaloApurimac III5:20not ratedMP3
CuscoXul-Kan, King of palenqueApurimac II4:03not ratedCD1994
CuscoXul-Kan, King of palenqueApurimac II4:03not ratedCD1994
CuscoYucatanApurimac II5:25not ratedCD1994
CuscoYucatanApurimac II5:25not ratedCD1994
Cutting Crew(i Just) Died In Your ArmsHit Giganten - Lovesongs4:03not ratedMP32005

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