Klaus Schulze
Royal Festival Hall Volume 1

Klaus Schulze - Royal Festival Hall Volume 1

  • Release date: 1992
  • Genre: Electronic
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 1:09:32
  • not rated
  • Added May 25, 2006


1. Yen - Out Of Limbonot rated7:33
2. Yen - Pastorale: Awakeningnot rated4:51
3. Yen - Lull Before The Stormnot rated1:20
4. Yen - Tempestnot rated2:41
5. Yen - Pastorale Toonot rated2:41
6. Yen - Pastorale And Departurenot rated5:22
7. Yen - Yearningnot rated7:26
8. Yen - Placid Yennot rated5:29
9. Yen - The Breath Of Lifenot rated2:51
10. Yen - Back To Limbonot rated4:15
11. Silence And Sequence - Perigeenot rated6:57
12. Silence And Sequence - Gentle Windnot rated4:57
13. Silence And Sequence - Fire-risernot rated7:21
14. Silence And Sequence - Clear Waternot rated5:41

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