Various artists
Best of Mystera

Various artists - Best of Mystera

  • Genre: Avantgarde
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 2:21:29
  • not rated
  • Added August 30, 2008


1. ameno ERAnot rated3:47
2. Mystera - Morananot rated3:38
3. sadeness [part I] ENIGMAnot rated3:00
4. saltwater CHICANE FEAT. MAIREnot rated3:26
5. veni, vedi, vici HIGHLANDnot rated3:48
6. island or dreams X-PERIENCEnot rated3:07
7. conquest or paradise VANGELISnot rated5:31
8. who wants to live forever DUNEnot rated3:55
9. sacral nirvana OLIVER SHANTI &not rated5:35
10. avemano ERAnot rated4:15
11. now we are free (the gladiatornot rated3:07
12. bella stella HIGHLANDnot rated3:32
13. silence DELERIUMnot rated4:08
14. sur azul (guardian del ruego anot rated2:55
15. in a liretime CLANNAD FEAT. BOnot rated3:07
16. walking in the air AMBRAnot rated4:04
17. eden SARAH BRIGHTMANnot rated4:06
18. aerum dei BRIGHTER TOUCHnot rated3:51
19. nothing else matters GREGORIANnot rated5:33
20. vero amei CHORALE DE OMENAnot rated3:51
21. ay luna que reluzes AURA LUNAnot rated3:40
22. words needed SCRIPTUREnot rated4:27
23. king (im namen der rose) UNIOnot rated4:06
24. australia MAGIC VOICESnot rated3:23
25. oro MAIRE BRENNANnot rated3:53
26. amo vitam ROSENSTOLZnot rated3:33
27. rain or shine PILGRAMAGEnot rated5:18
28. ein shoner tag SCHILLERnot rated3:46
29. amoure AMOUREnot rated4:32
30. lyra (ta muid) CELTIC SPIRITnot rated1:59
31. chariots or fire VANGELISnot rated3:30
32. a child is born RHAPSODY 2 FEAnot rated3:47
33. celtic rain MIKE OLDFIELDnot rated4:43
34. Toss The Feathersnot rated2:50
35. kotahitanga OCEANIAnot rated4:41
36. salvador dali LOONAnot rated5:05

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