Christopher Franke
Babylon 5 - No Surrender, No Retreat

Christopher Franke - Babylon 5 - No Surrender, No Retreat

  • Release date: 1998
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: CD
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 30:32
  • not rated
  • Added September 2, 2006


1. Enough is Enough - Earth Stands Alone - Main Titlenot rated5:06
2. Marcus En Route - Vir's Wakeup Call - Perparations For Battlenot rated2:56
3. Sheridan's Plan - Proxima III -Start Ground Attack - Londo And G'Kar In Trouble - Departure of the Fleetnot rated5:53
4. Tensions Rising - The Battle Beginsnot rated5:57
5. No Surrender, No Retreatnot rated5:59
6. Aftermath Moments - Winners And Losers - End Titlenot rated4:38

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