Complete list of krisheding's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
TravisNew ShoesWhere You Standnot ratedLP2013
TravisNina's Song10 Songsnot ratedLP2020
TravisNo CigarFlowers In The Window [CD2]not ratedCD Single2002
TravisNo Love Lost10 Songsnot ratedLP2020
TravisOn My WallWhere You Standnot ratedLP2013
TravisOne NightThe Boy With No Namenot ratedCD2007
TravisOnly Molly KnowsWriting To Reach Younot ratedCD EP1999
TravisOnly Molly KnowsWriting To Reach You [CD1]not ratedCD Single1999
TravisOnly Molly KnowsWriting To Reach Younot rated7" Single1999
TravisOnly Molly KnowsThe Man Who [Limited Edition Box Set]not ratedCD/LP Box Set2017
TravisOnly Molly KnowsThe Man Who [Limited Edition Box Set]not ratedCD/LP Box Set2017
TravisOut In SpaceThe Boy With No Namenot ratedCD2007
TravisPaperclips12 Memoriesnot ratedLP2003
TravisPaperclips12 Memoriesnot ratedCD2003
TravisParalysedEverything At Oncenot ratedLP2016
TravisPeace The Fuck Out12 Memoriesnot ratedCD2003
TravisPeace The Fuck Out12 Memoriesnot ratedLP2003
TravisPeace The Fuck OutHappy To Hang Aroundnot rated12" Single2003
TravisPipe DreamsThe Invisible Bandnot ratedLP2001
TravisPipe DreamsThe Invisible Bandnot ratedCD2001
TravisPulling Mussels (From A Shell)Selfish Jean [Part 2]not rated7" Single2007
TravisQuicksand12 Memoriesnot ratedLP2003
TravisQuicksand12 Memoriesnot ratedCD2003
TravisQuite FreeOde To J. Smithnot ratedCD2008
TravisRadio SongEverything At Oncenot ratedLP2016

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