Complete list of krisheding's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The KillsNail In My CoffinBlood Pressuresnot ratedCD2011
The KillsNo WowNo Wownot ratedCD2005
The KillsPots And PansBlood Pressuresnot ratedCD2011
The KillsPull A UKeep On Your Mean Sidenot ratedCD2003
The KillsRodeo TownNo Wownot ratedCD2005
The KillsSatelliteBlood Pressuresnot ratedCD2011
The KillsSiberian NightsAsh & Icenot ratedCD2016
The KillsSour CherryMidnight Boomnot ratedLP2008
The KillsSour CherryMidnight Boomnot ratedCD2008
The KillsSuperstitionKeep On Your Mean Sidenot ratedCD2003
The KillsSweet CloudNo Wownot ratedCD2005
The KillsTape SongMidnight Boomnot ratedCD2008
The KillsTape SongMidnight Boomnot ratedLP2008
The KillsThat LoveAsh & Icenot ratedCD2016
The KillsThe Good OnesNo Wownot ratedCD2005
The KillsThe Last GoodbyeBlood Pressuresnot ratedCD2011
The KillsTicket ManNo Wownot ratedCD2005
The KillsU.R.A. FeverMidnight Boomnot ratedLP2008
The KillsU.R.A. FeverMidnight Boomnot ratedCD2008
The KillsWaitKeep On Your Mean Sidenot ratedCD2003
The KillsWhat New York Used To BeMidnight Boomnot ratedCD2008
The KillsWhat New York Used To BeMidnight Boomnot ratedLP2008
The KillsWhirling EyeAsh & Icenot ratedCD2016
The KillsWild CharmsBlood Pressuresnot ratedCD2011
The KillsYou Don't Own The RoadBlood Pressuresnot ratedCD2011

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