Complete list of kreationz's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
OpethClosureDamnation5:15not ratedMP32003
OpethCredenceMy Arms, Your Hearse5:26not ratedMP31998
OpethDeath Whispered a LullabyDamnation5:49not ratedMP32003
OpethDeath Whispered A LullabyLamentations DVDA7:11not ratedMP32003
OpethDeliveranceLamentations DVDA12:39not ratedMP32003
OpethDeliveranceDeliverance13:36not ratedMP32002
OpethDemon Of The FallMy Arms, Your Hearse6:13not ratedMP31998
OpethDirge For NovemberBlackwater Park7:54not ratedMP32002
OpethDrapery FallsBlackwater Park10:54not ratedMP32002
OpethEnding CreditsLamentations DVDA4:23not ratedMP32003
OpethEnding CreditsDamnation3:39not ratedMP32003
OpethEpilogueMy Arms, Your Hearse3:59not ratedMP31998
OpethEternal Soul TortureMorningrise8:35not ratedMP31996
OpethFace Of MelindaStill Life7:59not ratedMP31999
OpethFor Absent FriendsDeliverance2:17not ratedMP32002
OpethForest Of OctoberOrchid13:06not ratedMP31995
OpethFuneral PortraitBlackwater Park8:45not ratedMP32002
OpethGhost Of PerditionGhost Reveries10:30not ratedMP32005
OpethGodhead's LamentStill Life9:47not ratedMP31999
OpethHarvestLamentations DVDA6:16not ratedMP32003
OpethHarvestBlackwater Park6:02not ratedMP32002
OpethHope LeavesLamentations DVDA6:12not ratedMP32003
OpethHope LeavesDamnation4:30not ratedMP32003
OpethHours Of WealthGhost Reveries5:21not ratedMP32005
OpethIn Mist She Was StandingOrchid14:10not ratedMP31995

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