Complete list of kreationz's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Justin WarfieldCool Like the BluesMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-4:59not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldDip Dip Divin'My Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-3:37not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldDrugstore CowboyMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-5:11not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldFisherman's GrottoMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-4:07not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldGlass TangerineMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-3:29not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldGuavafish Centipede (Aquatic Meditations)My Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-1:27not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldIntroduction by Ellis Dee - Ellis DeeMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-1:01not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldK Sera SeraMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-3:11not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldLive from the Opium DenMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-4:55not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldPick It Up Y'allMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-4:30not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldStormclouds Left of HeavenMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-4:01not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldTeenage CaligulaMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-2:22not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldTequila Flats (Ghosts of Laurel Canyon)My Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-0:29not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldTequila Flats (Ghosts of Laurel Canyon)My Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-7:16not ratedMP31993
Justin WarfieldThoughts in the ButtermilkMy Field Trip to Planet 9 -1993-4:57not ratedMP31993
JustincaseDon't Cry For MeAlternative Times3:41not ratedMP3
JustincaseDon't Cry For MeAlternative Times Vol. 0303:41not ratedMP32002
JustMyImagination1JustMyImagination1621 beltonen0:14not ratedMP3
juve waco skipwho tha fuck is thisDJ Frogie - Tha N.O. Strikes Back (Vol. 2)3:40not ratedMP32006
JuvenileAnimalPromo Only Urban Club August4:27not ratedMP32005
JuvenileAnimalReality Check4:25not ratedMP32006
JuvenileAnimal (Instrumental)Promo Only Urban Club August3:59not ratedMP32005
JuvenileAnimal (Promo Only Clean Edit)Urban Radio Aug05, Promo Only3:57not ratedMP32005
JuvenileAt The Door (Skit)alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.complete cd1:08not ratedMP3
JuvenileBack That Ass UpThe Source - Hip Hop Awards 20004:34not ratedMP32000

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